Heres the instructions for a very basic primitive bunny
First I designed my pattern-I did some rough sketches on paper first then I drew it the size I wanted on wax paper. For a simple bunny like the one above you just need one drawing and you are going to cut 2 pieces (the other patterns are for more projects I will post later)
Place the pattern on your fabric-I used a cotton muslin-and cut 2 pieces. Use a safety pin to pin your pieces together before you stain them if you are doing more than one project at a time-this way you don't have to worry about matching the pieces up again after.
This is my jar of staining liquid. It contains tea bags, cloves, cinnamon, instant coffee in water. I keep the jar so that I can use it again and again for each project. Each time I use it I pour it in my pot and add a little more of each of the ingredients-this saves a little money and if I only have a small project then I can just use this.
Place the fabric pieces in a pot with the staining liquid. Bring it to a good boil and then let it simmer for about 15 min.
Use tongs to pull the fabric out and put it in a glass bowl. I usually hang the pieces to dry-these were a little damp so I laid them on a cookie sheet and the finished drying in less than 5 min. and the oven gives it a little more browning.
Here are the pieces for my various projects with the safety pins on after staining and drying.
Sew both pieces together leaving an opening at the bottom. Turn it right side out and stuff it. Hand sew the opening closed-I did a very rough primitive stitch. Sew 2 buttons on for eyes and a wide stitch for the nose. Add a ribbon made of homespun fabric and a little tuft of the stuffing for a tail if you wish. Remember to keep it basic and primitive for the most authentic look.
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