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Monday, 23 April 2012

Ohhhh the things kids say!!

What a day!!  Actually it has been crazy around here for the last few weeks.  My sister-in-laws dad passed away last week.  We are a pretty close family that are there for each especially during tough times.  So last week was spent makingmyself available for anything my sister-in law, brother or neices and nephew might need.  At some point I realized our house  phone wasn't working but I was so busy I didn't even get to  calling the phone company for a few days.  Then they told me it looked like a line was turned on from our house-well we have 4 cordless phones and 5 kids-where could a missing turned on phone be??  So we searched couches and beds and closets and anywhere a phone may hide.  No Luck.  Well a couple more busy days went by, the phone still wasn't working so I bought a new phone-disconnected all cordless phones and tried the new phone-still nothing.  I called the phone company back and this time they said-oh, it looks like there is a problem with your line-we can have a service person out in 2 days.  GREAT!!  On the weekend my brother mentions that maybe the problem woth the phone line is that a mouse chewed through it!  Nice-I hadn't thought of that!  ( we have a mouse problem every winter and this was a bad one-but that's a whole other story!)  So I'm thinking if they have to check our lines where will they look-oh no-the dreaded service call.  Will they need to go in the laundry room?  That would mean climbing over a mountain of laundry.  The garage-let me see between the furniture for my Comin' Home business, the hockey bags and the new couch and chair for the basement ( waiting for the puppies to leave so we can paint and change the floor.) he couldn't make his way through there without breaking something-like a bone.  Now the basement-what if heneed to go there-well there is the shelves of my Comin' Home business, the partially knocked down wall, the flooring for the family room stacked in the hall and the wonderful scent of puppy poop that is filling our house!   The phone guy arrives at the door as Brendan is walking out and B looks at him and says "A mouse chewed our phone wires" Wonderful!  so I invite the guy in as he looks at me puzzled-I'm sure thinking if you know it is  a mouse why did you call us!  But he comes in-looks at the hook up in the kitchen and by the computer and says it looks like there is a short in the wiring.  Hmmmm  I wonder what that is caused by-just then G comes up the stairs holding a mouse by its tail saying-" I hit it with a bat-I just wanted it out of my room!"  Wonderful-can you say mortified!!!  So I say-we had a problem with mice coming in from the garage in the winter but I haven't seen any in a couple months To which G says " Oh ya there are lots in the house-I think they are in the walls.  Wonderful!!!   I could not have been  more embarrased.  I'm trying to change the subject, crawl in a hole, anything to make the mouse conversation stop.  At this point the guy says to me.  You can just leave your phone plugged into the cable box and then you don't have to worry about the short in the line.  I'm sure he walked out and wrote down in  big letters on his invoice  MICE!!!

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